Managed Infrastructure

Nothing is ever simple anymore

Building high-performance high-availability services is incredibly complicated. It's not enough just to write the code. As soon as an online service goes into production, it needs firewalls, load balancers, and accelerators in front of it; application servers to do the actual work; and some combination of backend databases, file storage, and in-memory caches to hold all the data.

And everything has to be redundant; with all those moving parts, it's simply not acceptable to be offline -- or even impaired -- because one piece failed!

Then you have to maintain it. There's a constant stream of security updates to apply. Threats from online are constantly evolving. Security standards and best practices continually shift to adapt. If something goes wrong it needs to be fixed, and the only thing you can be sure about is that it will not go wrong at the most convenient time.

The tools exist, but they're not simple either

It's entirely possible to do most of that with offerings from large "cloud" providers. The problem is that those services are so DIY they make assembling Ikea furniture look like a walk in the park. If you've got the expertise and the budget and the time to put it all together and then maintain and monitor it 24x7x365 to keep it up-to-date with a never-ending stream of security patches and react to whatever goes wrong, whenever it goes wrong, great!

But even if you can do it, you probably shouldn't. Here's the big problem small teams face: you've got an idea, something you want to accomplish. But you can't get more time and there's never enough money. So that's what you should be working on. That's what's going to make you successful. Every minute you spend updating web servers and fussing with firewalls is a minute not spent on building your idea. Nobody ever hit it big because they had a good patch schedule and great firewall rules. But they've sure failed because they didn't.

That's why we say: you do you, we do the rest

We're good at this. We have all the tools. We want you to succeed. And we are utterly relentless.

Let us build, maintain, and monitor your online platform so you can do what you actually got into business to do.

In the unfortunate event of a middle-of-the-night catastrophe, find out about it by reading a message the next day that tells you what happened and how it's already been resolved.

Have us around when you're trying to figure out how you should do things so your idea will scale up to the numbers you want to see. We have extensive experience scaling our infrastructure to ridiculous levels when needed.

To get started, please contact us.